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Ayurveda Approach to Menopause

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  • Date: 24-11-2022

Most women may face physical and emotional challenges during the age period of the '40s to '50s which may be a roller coaster hit that is initiated with the menopause sessions. This transition in the life cycle is triggered by a hormonal shift that may get vulnerable to emotional fluctuations, lifestyle changes, mood swings, and so on. Ayurveda approach to Menopause can manage menopause symptoms without any side effects. Ayurveda courses online may help you to understand the necessity of Ayurveda in managing the physical and emotional impact of menopause. Ayurveda has a unique perspective to make this transition period strong in all aspects- physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, and spiritually. Ayurveda can control the hormonal intervention of the menopause system by correcting dosha imbalance with appropriate diet, lifestyle modification, and herbal application. Ayurveda institute in Kerala delivers a personalized approach to managing menopause signs effectively.


What Is Menopause? 

Menopause is the natural cessation of a woman's reproductive cycle when she turns the age of 40's to 50's. The process is a natural biological phenomenon in which its physical and emotional changes may interrupt your sleep patterns, mood swings, and other symptoms. Ayurveda aims at preventive health care for the management or reduction of abnormal signs of menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, flushing, and vaginal atrophy. Generally, symptoms of menopause are controlled with natural home remedies. Else, the Ayurvedic approach to Menopause finds a solution to the natural setup of the menopause process.


Why Does Menopause Happen?

Menopause occurs due to the natural decline of reproductive hormones as the reproductive system produces less estrogen and progesterone due to aging. It may also happen due to oophorectomy, the surgery in which ovaries are removed, causing immediate menopause. Several cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may induce menopause and it may happen when this treatment affects the ovarian organs. Also, there is the possibility of menopause when women lack the sufficiency to produce primary ovary function due to the less production of normal levels of reproductive hormones.


Ayurvedic Approach to Menopause 

Ayurveda does not consider menopause as a disease, and it is simply defined as a terminating point of the last menstrual period. The holistic approach of Ayurveda embraces the rejuvenating effect of the reproductive system to assist the changing physiology of your body during the menopause period. Certain Ayurveda therapies along with lifestyle modification regulate the imbalance of hormones by bringing mental calmness and maintaining normal digestion and other biological functions. Ayurveda considers the discomfort of menopause occurring accumulation of ama (digestive impurities) in the reproductive system that blocks the channels that allow the free flow of Ojas. Ayurveda experts analyze the health condition of patients through a thorough examination of dominated doshas affecting the body and recommend customized dosha pacifying diet and other natural therapies associated with it.


Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is an unavoidable natural phenomenon in which low production of estrogen and progesterone raises your risk for certain health problems after menopause. Hence, common health problems in the years after menopause include heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, lead poisoning, urinary incontinence, certain cancers, and so on. However, Ayurveda rejuvenation therapies are essential during this transition phase to detoxify the reproductive system to reduce the discomfort during menopause condition. Getting vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other essential nutrients and leading an active lifestyle can help you to build better health in the years around menopause. Let us have a look at the initial symptoms of menopause that helps you to prepare yourself for the transition period.

  • Irregular periods
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Sleep disorders
  • Mood swings
  • Weight gain 
  • Disturbed metabolism
  • Thinning hair and dry skin
  • Loss of breast fullness and
  • Psychological symptoms like Depression, fatigue or headaches


Diet and Lifestyle Advice for Menopause

There exist certain factors associated with the natural process of aging that can not be altered. But, there are certain controllable factors such as diet, and lifestyle changes can be modified to prevent or ease certain conditions that may develop during and after menopause. Follow the below diet and lifestyle advice to reduce the risk of health complications associated with menopause.

  • Choose a balanced nutritious diet. Eat meals at regular intervals in time
  • Switch to warm and organic foodstuffs such as fruits, vegetables, and certain spices such as fennel, ginger, cinnamon, fenugreek, and cumin in a food
  • Avoid excessive intake of salt, chilies, sour food items
  • Follow regular exercise
  • Quits smoking, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption
  • Watch your BMI regularly
  • Practice safe sex
  • Regular mammograms check-ups are required after the age of 50 
  • Practice yoga and meditation
  • Have regular screening for Blood pressure, cholesterol, and other tests 


Ayurvedic Treatments for Menopause

Ayurvedic treatments for menopause aim at eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms of menopause, increasing disease resistance, reducing worry, and increasing harmony in life during and after menopause condition. Certain panchakarma therapies are effective in calming down aggressive signs of menopause condition to pacify the doshas and hormone imbalance. Vasti is an Ayurvedic therapeutic procedure in which herbal medications are administrated through lower pathways to clear the aggravated vata doshas to administer during the menopause period. Vamana is generally considered a cleansing therapy in which doshas are eliminated through upper channels for comprehensive rejuvenation of the reproductive system. Virechana is also so-called cleansing therapy to provide much relief for women going through menopause. Hence, these rejuvenating therapies along with other supporting therapies like Abhyanga, Swedana, Shirodhara, Patra Pinda Sweda, can support changes in menopause effectively. In addition, Ayurveda herbs such as Shatavari, Yastimadhu, Ashoka, Guggulu have an effective role in diminishing the signs of menopause by revitalizing the mind, body, and soul.

Like puberty, menopause is another phase in a women's lifecycle. If this transition period causes discomfort and discomfort in your daily activities, approach a rejuvenating treatment plan at the School of Ayurveda and Panchakarma. The Ayurveda Institute in Kerala opens a window of opportunity and a new beginning to prioritize healthy well-being of life.